Feedback and Delegation

An essential element in the achievement of excellence is through deliberate feedback. Providing feedback improves performance, bolsters productivity and enables others to take responsibility for their own development. Feedback is most successful when it assists an individual to become an effective performer of the organisation. Giving feedback requires the development and cultivation of very specific communication skills and ensures that the message is not displaced by the delivery. Managers often tend to adopt a heroic approach to leadership instead of delegating responsibility appropriately. This reluctance leads to managers spending time on tasks that should be handled by others leading to low morale, manager burnout and low productivity. Delegation is another essential element which teaches people to think and ask the right questions and get the best performance out of the team by matching the correct task to the correct person. It also improves decision making, efficiency and speed.
6Cubes Feedback and Delegation Programme helps managers understand different types of feedback. Managers also explore the challenges of delegating and the conditions under which delegation is most effective.
For Whom - This programme is suitable for individuals in a supervisory or managerial role, new managers, professional technical leaders and project managers.